NOTE: What does CBD stand for? Central Business District - the inner city or centre area surrounding the General Post Office. Historically, city places in Australia marked their distances from the location of the General Post Office, or GPO. Many still do.
Nowadays, city hotels tend to mark their distances from the airport.
Australia Maps - States, Cities and Regions
Popular Tourist Places of Interest, dining, shopping, restaurants and Australian City CBD location map.
Australian Capital Territory
Capital of Australia, Canberra ACT.
Canberra ACT Maps
Maps of the Northern Territory NT
Putting the NT in AdveNTure.
Queensland Maps
Maps of South Australia
Tasmania Maps
Maps of Victoria
WA Maps Western Australia
Central Business District CBD
NOTE: What does CBD stand for? Central Business District - the inner city or centre area surrounding the General Post Office. Historically, city places in Australia marked their distances from the location of the General Post Office, or GPO. Many still do.
Nowadays, city hotels tend to mark their distances from the airport.