Map of South East Western Australia - Click to Zoom Out
South East WA Map
South of Highway One, or Eyre Highway as this section is called, there is the Nuytsland Nature Reserve, a haven for birdlife. There are well over 200 hundred different species to be found here.
The Cocklebiddy Limestone Caves are sinkholes in the natural limestone, filled with water from underground river systems.
There are vast distances that separate many of the towns and places in this region. Always seek reliable local advice before travelling in these areas, take adequate supplies of petrol, food and water. Also, permits are needed before entering Aboriginal Lands.
Map of South East Western Australia - Click to Zoom Out
South East WA Map
South of Highway One, or Eyre Highway as this section is called, there is the Nuytsland Nature Reserve, a haven for birdlife. There are well over 200 hundred different species to be found here.
The Cocklebiddy Limestone Caves are sinkholes in the natural limestone, filled with water from underground river systems.
There are vast distances that separate many of the towns and places in this region. Always seek reliable local advice before travelling in these areas, take adequate supplies of petrol, food and water. Also, permits are needed before entering Aboriginal Lands.
More about this region South East Western Australia - WA Tourist Information.
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Main Photo: Map of South East Western Australia - Click to Zoom Out
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