The produce and cuisine of Tasmania is well known, as are its ales and beers. This is probably due to its preponderance of fertile lands near pristine wilderness.
The surrounding ocean, too, provides its bounty. Hobart, likes its older historical sister city, Sydney is blessed with a good and sizeable harbour. At its docks, dating back to the original convict days, you can find some great places to eat, drink and be entertained.
Salamanca Place
At Salamanca Place you can find some of the best pubs and restaurants to be found in Tasmania.
It also has excellent art galleries and holds regular markets, full of bargains. There are theatres, artist’s studios and exhibitions that you can visit making it an attractions for the creative and lovers of the arts.
In the Surrounds of Hobart, at New Norfolk, just north of Hobart, you can find hops and oasts, related to the brewing industry of Tasmania. The Bush Inn of 1815, one of Australia’s oldest pubs still extant, is located in town.
At Salamanca Place you can find some of the best pubs and restaurants to be found in Tasmania.
Next: Tasmanian Wilderness
Tasmania Cuisine
See the Tasmania Map.
The produce and cuisine of Tasmania is well known, as are its ales and beers. This is probably due to its preponderance of fertile lands near pristine wilderness.
The surrounding ocean, too, provides its bounty. Hobart, likes its older historical sister city, Sydney is blessed with a good and sizeable harbour. At its docks, dating back to the original convict days, you can find some great places to eat, drink and be entertained.
Salamanca Place
At Salamanca Place you can find some of the best pubs and restaurants to be found in Tasmania.
It also has excellent art galleries and holds regular markets, full of bargains. There are theatres, artist’s studios and exhibitions that you can visit making it an attractions for the creative and lovers of the arts.
In the Surrounds of Hobart, at New Norfolk, just north of Hobart, you can find hops and oasts, related to the brewing industry of Tasmania. The Bush Inn of 1815, one of Australia’s oldest pubs still extant, is located in town.
About the National Parks in Tasmania and Australia Australian National Parks.
Hobart Weather
See the current weather for Hobart - Hobart Tasmania Weather.
Tasmania Hotels and Accommodation
Tasmania hotels and other accommodation - Australia Hotels.
Previous: Hobart Tall Ships Festival
Topic: Surrounds
Main Photo: At Salamanca Place you can find some of the best pubs and restaurants to be found in Tasmania.