Australia Tourist Guide

Melbourne Central Shopping Centre showing the old Shot Tower

Melbourne Central Shopping Centre showing the old Shot Tower

Next: Melbourne GPO

Melbourne Central Shopping - Shot Tower

Melbourne Central Shopping Centre is one of the larger shopping centres located in the Melbourne CBD. Built above Melbourne central train station, it is found on the corner of LaTrobe and Swanston Streets. Covering two city blocks, it extends to Lonsdale and Elizabeth Streets with over 300 shops.

Fully enclosed by a glass cone, the Shot Tower seen in the photo was built in 1888 to make perfect shaped balls of lead by dropping hot metal from a great height onto cool water. Apparently the process was discovered by a castle owner, who after dropping lead onto the heads of his enemies found the spherical balls in his moat.

There is a small museum there, located on the 2nd floor in the tower that you can visit. Another attraction at the MCSC is a giant fob watch, that provides a marionette display on the hour.


Melbourne Shopping

Melbourne takes its shopping both for fun and seriously, it is a favourite pastime along with food and culture so you will find plenty of places in Melbourne to indulge in all three.

Serious shoppers, along with part-time and even amateur shoppers will find bargains in small shops, big shops and medium size shops. Shops on corners, shops in arcades, shops in shopping centres. There are even more shops alongside streets, in alleys and side streets.

Two notable arcades that should be visited are the Block Arcade and the Royal. Collins Place is another vibrant place, housing both the Sofitel Hotel and numerous shops of all kinds, including boutiques.

For the latest in contemporary elegant styles in clothing and accessories, check out Australia on Collins.


Melbourne Shopping Map

See the Melbourne places to shop and more places to visit on the City Center Map Map of Melbourne - Victoria Tourist Guide.

Getting to Melbourne Central Shopping: Take the train from any station to the city CBD and to the train station below the centre - Melbourne Central.



Previous: Melbourne Arcades - Royal Arcade

Topic: Melbourne Best Places to Visit

Main Photo: Melbourne Central Shopping Centre showing the old Shot Tower


Another Popular Melbourne Place to Shop
Photo: Another Popular Melbourne Place to Shop

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